ADHD Resources
Individualized resources and recommendations are best provided after an evaluation. However, I've curated a list of some useful resources and websites you can directly access in order to learn more about ADHD, whether it's understanding yourself, your child, or someone else in your network.
My 10 Favorite things about having ADHD video
Books for Girls/Young Women​
Attention Girls! A guide to learn all about your AD/HD by Patricia Quinn, MD. Dr. Quinn is a nationally known expert on ADHD. How great she has written this book just for girls!
Women with Attention Deficit Disorder: Embrace your differences and transform your life by Sari Solden. For female college students: This easy to read “self-help” book is a feel good, affirming book, helping individuals understand some of the differences of ADHD in women as compared to men
Judy Galbraith and Jim Delisle: The Gifted Teen Survival Guide: Smart, Sharp and Ready for Almost Anything
K. Kelly and P. Ramundo have written this helpful book: You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid OR Crazy?!
Drs. Theresa Laurie Maitland and Patricia Quinn have collaborated on these two useful books
Dr. Patricia Quinn edited ADD and The College Student: A Guide for High School and College Students With Attention Deficit Disorder Revised Edition
Dr. Patricia Quinn is also the author of Survival Guide for College Students with ADHD or LD – Great tips on “how to get organized, and how to get help.”
Drs. Hallowell and Raty have three books. Check out these classic works:
ADDvance: Questions and answers for professionals and parents on ADD/ADHD. The section on Women & Girls includes an ADD checklist and social-skills
CHADD: This volunteer organization advocates for children and adults with ADHD, hosts support groups, and publishes resources, including a new educator’s manual on ADHD.
LDonLINE: A solid learning disabilities and ADHD web site with discussion groups for educators, tips on differentiating instruction, assessment, and
Teaching Children With ADHD: Recommendations and accommodations for teaching children with ADHD.